Week In Review: Relax, Relate, Release


Sunday’s are for baths. It’s the day I reset, rest, reflect and soak. All I need is a glass of wine, candles and a mask for a facial treatment. This is the perfect setup to RELAX!

📸 @svenngaarden


Last week we talked about fragrance and how it invokes a

mood. Aromatherapy is the perfect way to incorporate this in your daily life. I have a diffuser on every floor of my house and each floor is a different mood.

✨1st Floor: My studio/home office is on my 1st floor so Awake keeps me focused whilst creating and making product.

✨2nd Floor: Is my living area. Living room, dining room and kitchen are where I wind down and relax. Uplifts your spirits and helps put you in a relax mood.

✨3rd Floor: My bedroom is for rest. No electronics allowed! I do have a small TV, but I rarely turn it on. Dream on Dreamer sets the room and prepares me for a great nights sleep. It will have you out in about 15 minutes! My dressing room is also on this floor. I have a diffuser on my vanity and I run it while I am getting dressed in the morning. It is the perfect way to start your day!

✨And last but not least I even have a diffuser in my car. Trust me, it takes your driving experience to a different level! 😎

Do you use aromatherapy? Let me know in the comments! If not, click here start your aromatic routine today!


Do you set your bedroom? Meaning do you prepare your space for relaxation and sleep. Ever wonder why you’re having a hard time catching Zzzz’s? And once you catch them you can’t hold on to them? You gotta set the room!

We tend to set the mood for everything else. Meditation, yoga, candlelit dinner, sexy time...

Yet for some reason we don’t set the room and create the mood for the most important activity of all. SLEEP! (don’t @ me on this! 😂)

Let me show you how to set your bedroom with my nighttime routine that is guaranteed to give you a great nights sleep!

How do you prepare your room to go to sleep? 


Do you need a midday moment? Traffic, kids or people just won’t let you be great? Our Calm Aromatic Blend is perfect for combating the blues, uplifting your spirits and putting you in a better state of mind! Using our rollerballs are the perfect way to add aromatherapy to your day!

Lavender calms the senses, Ylang Ylang improves your mood and relieves stress, while Vanilla reduces anxiety.

Take a moment during the day to stretch, close your eyes and breath. Your body, mind and soul will thank you for it!


I love layering fragrance. There’s just something about creating a custom scent that elevates your whole mood.

Here is one of my favorite combos:

Jasmine is the common note in all 3, making this a soft, sexy floral.

What is your favorite layering combo? 


Our products are infused with real botanicals for their amazing benefits and to  give you an aromatic experience that will take your skincare routine from a to- do to a luxurious daily ritual of self care. With beautiful blends of rose, lavender, jasmine and chamomile your skin will be softer, tighter and brighter. By taking the time to enjoy the natural scent of your products while using them will settle your mind, shift your mood, remind you why taking a moment for yourself is important and get you ready for your day or night!

Until next week, have a great weekend!

~xoxo Lay'Na

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